
10 Months Already?

When I was pregnant of course I had everyone telling me, "don't blink, they grow up so fast," and of course I thought oh no, between the diaper changes, crying, breastfeeding, trying to figure out everything, the 1st year was definitely going to drag. Now I'm one of those people who warns the pregnant women about time flying. I can NOT believe my baby is 10 months old today and I am absolutely dreading her turning 1 in just a short couple of months so I'm trying to savor every little bit of time with her right now. I could really live without the current teething situation, but otherwise she is in such a fun stage.

Kaylie has gone from a very fragile baby in the NICU to being a constant mover and shaker, albeit a small one for her size (we love her that way though). She's discovered that rolling is the best way to get places and scooting is only necessary if she's just out of reach. Dada is her favorite thing to say and Dada is definitely one of her favorite people, the smile on her face when Stephen comes home from work is absolutely priceless and I know it makes a long day at work disappear for him as well. She's also just now working on busting her 1st tooth through so it's been a rough week, but we're getting there! Something new is always on the horizon for her, a couple of new things popped up this week too.

Our dog Riley is a 3 year old lab/retriever mix, with some deer and idiot thrown in there. He's a gentle giant and when we got pregnant with Kaylie we thought he would make a great companion for a little one. Sadie, our 5 year old border collie mix is very sweet and gentle but is jealous. We knew she'd be good with kids, but not best buds like Riley would be. Until this week though, Riley only wanted to do with Kaylie on his own terms, he was always gentle with her but really had no interest. However, I've found them several times this week hanging out (proof below). He's still a little jumpy when she tugs on his hair, but I am too! I can't wait to see how this relationship plays out, but I hope he always makes her feel safe and keeps her entertained for hours like he does for us.

This week has also brought on the discovery of the door stops, I don't have the video saved on my computer but you can check it on youtube at www.youtube.com/watch?v=JcxMp_txJXw.

I think that's it for now, Stephen and I are going on a much needed date night this evening. Nothing major planned, an early dinner at Rosie's, maybe a walk around Bridge Street and we'll see what else we can come up with. On Sunday we're getting professional pictures done and we're so excited, hopefully we don't get rained out!

1 comment:

shall said...

Adorable, love the "gentle giant"!